
Dalma & August


Baka Dalma

and her August.

The Dalmatian coast reaches from Dubrovnik to Split. Colors of friendly red, ochre and beige captured in century old architecture tested by wind, weather and the sea make for the cities to be found next to azure blue mediterranean waters. Chalky hill and mountain ranges behind those cities serve as a backdrop, hosting pastries and agrarian country. Due to these surroundings, the weather, wine and Sljivovica, this area produced a very specific type of culture. Friendly, passionate and well interested in the beautiful aspects of life. Part of the Mediterranean culture at large yet always a touch more fiery due to the hot Yugo winds blowing from the mountains…

At least according to our grandmother “Baka Dalma” and her stories accompanying the dishes she prepared for our family dinners. “Of course” she replied, when asking whether the Dalmatian coast and cuisine had been named after her, Dalma. And who would ever argue with Grandma, who had just poured herself a cold glass of Augustiner beer while enjoying her family digging into the meals she had prepared? Rice, potatoes, veggies, seafood, fish and meat, salads and deserts - all of them cooked according to the recipes from a book written, amended, refined and completed between Croatia and Bavaria. So even when we, Baka Dalma’s family, are living in Munich for a long time now, we still are aware of our Dalmatian heritage and its culinary legacy. And we make sure the only best of it together with the most tasty Bavarian foods and dishes make it onto our menu. This is the most important recipe we feel obliged to honor.

Welcome to Dalma & August